
Published: 17.07.2024

Reading time ca. 6 Min.

Satisfied customers as the benchmark: International standard ISO 9001:2015

Commitment to quality and customer focus

For many people, DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 is little more than a collection of letters and numbers. However, a comprehensive philosophy stands behind the international standard for quality management systems – and certification according to this standard distinguishes a company that puts customer wishes and expectations first. In terms of product quality as well as behavior, values and ethics. Kubota Brabender Technologie has been certified according to ISO 9001:2015 for more than 30 years, and in 2024 we once again confirmed our commitment to customer orientation, customer satisfaction and high-quality products by extending the certification.

Leading international quality management standard

The DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 standard specifies requirements for quality management and applies to companies of all types and sizes. Its goal is to guarantee that appropriate internal processes ensure the required quality of the company's products and services. In addition to legal and official requirements, the wishes and expectations of customers are the most important measure of quality. Thus, customer orientation is one of the standard's most important principles. Also of essential importance: Quality management – and thus the quality of products and services – must be subject to a continuous process of improvement. The national (DIN), European (EN) and worldwide (ISO) standard ISO 9001:2015 is the world's leading standard for quality management. Well over 1 million companies are certified according to it.

Our values and principles: A strong foundation

Kubota Brabender Technologie is built on strong values: reliability, honesty, respect, credibility and integrity. Our actions have an impact on our world, and it is important to us that we are a positive influence. Our principles are anchored in our Code of Conduct and Ethics. Our promise for responsible behavior applies to our business partners and the public as well as to our interactions with each other within our company.

We take responsibility for society, the environment and other people. In our opinion, this includes active commitment to sustainable development as well as a commitment to decent work and a clear stand against discrimination of any kind. That is why Kubota Brabender Technologie supports the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact and is committed to the United Nations (UN) Universal Declaration of Human Rights as well as the core labor standards of the International Labor Organization (ILO).

With regard to ISO 9001, this means that the requirements of the standard harmonize perfectly with our corporate culture and are closely linked to it. Accordingly, we have been certified for a long time – the start of our QM system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 was January 1993, and at our initial certification we were the 171st customer at the independent certifying body GLC (today DNV).

What is quality?

The strength is in the quality, as philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said. Everything revolves around quality ... but what exactly is quality? How can it be defined in a way that makes it tangible? The ISO 9001:2015 standard aligns itself with the customer here: As the standard defines it, quality is achieving customer satisfaction by meeting the customer's needs and expectations. The standard requires that this takes place within an organizational environment that ensures continuous improvement. Thus, quality management as the standard defines it is a systematic, planned and continuously optimized determination and fulfillment of customer requirements.

Making value measurable

If quality is the measure of the company's perceived performance and thus of customer satisfaction – how can it be measured and proven? This is where ISO 9001:2015 certification comes into play. By verifying and confirming the standard of our specifications, processes and test procedures, the certification creates certainty that we offer high-quality products and services. Due to its worldwide validity, it offers a consistently high legal basis independent of national regulations, which is of great importance to us as an internationally active company. Our customers know that they receive guaranteed product and process quality from us, and can prove this to their own customers and partners through our certification.

The fact that we act according to the standard means that all processes and procedures within our company are documented and transparent. Responsibilities are precisely assigned, internal and external interfaces are defined and quality assurance checks are clearly regulated.

Standardizing quality rather than products

Our customers can trust that we, as an ISO 9001:2015 certified company, will fully meet their expectations and requirements. To ensure this, the standard does not define the quality of products and services per se; this would not only require constant updates, but also specific standards for each industry and product. Instead, it defines the path to quality. In order to comply with the standard, we as a company must be able to answer three questions:

  • What do we want to achieve?
  • How do we want to achieve it?
  • How do we ensure that the result meets all requirements?

In other words: the standard defines which specifications, processes and test procedures we require in order to achieve the set standard and ensure we offer products and services that meet customer expectations as well as official requirements.

Among other things, the standard places requirements on our corporate management and its evaluation, resource management, personnel management and the working environment – always from the point of view of what is required to offer our customers the expected high quality. Another focus lies on product realization, from product development and procurement of materials to production and quality control. Here, too, all processes are centered on customer requirements.

Constant improvement: The courage to embrace change

Perfection does not exist – if you want to deliver optimal quality, you must improve constantly. This conviction shapes not only the ISO 9001:2015 standard, but also Kubota Brabender Technologie. The continuous improvement of product, process and service quality is a goal that plays an important role in everything we do. It requires suitable processes – such as measurement and analysis – but also teamwork and, above all, the ability to give and receive criticism positively.

We maintain a corporate culture that allows for open, objective and constructive critiques. Constructive criticism is important, because in order for us to improve, we need to be able to recognize our mistakes. While it's unpleasant to make a mistake – by making a mistake and not correcting it, you are already making the second one. In order to avoid this, we generally discuss mistakes or misconduct openly and without sanctions. After all, only facing our mistakes allows us to achieve real and successful growth.

Independent auditing

In order to be certified according to the ISO 9001:2015 standard, companies like Kubota Brabender Technologie undergo a certification process in which they prove to an independent certification body that they meet the standard's high requirements. The verification is carried out by external audits; an independent auditor checks on site whether the company meets the standard's requirements. They ensure that the quality management system works, check all relevant procedures and processes, and compare the actual with the target state. If necessary, they point out potential for improvement – in line with the standard, which requires continuous improvement. Finally, they confirm the conformity of the company with ISO 9001:2015 in an audit report. Subsequently, the independent certification body issues a certificate with a limited duration.

Customer satisfaction as the beginning and end

The word most often mentioned in ISO 9001:2015 is "customer satisfaction". With this focus, the standard aligns perfectly with Kubota Brabender Technologie – because our first principle is customer orientation. We focus on customer expectations and demands. Whether it's about powerful and reliable devices for very large or very small feeding quantities, uncompromising hygiene, discharging and feeding challenging ingredients or special solutions for extraordinary requirements: by determining what our customers need, expect and want, we create the basis for not only meeting their expectations, but exceeding them. When our services go beyond the scope of what is necessary and contractually agreed, we have the chance to offer customers decisive added value. And this is the goal we set ourselves – and our promise to our customers.

What does ISO 9001 mean?

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